8. Oktober 2015

Polen: Abstimmung über den Gender Accordance Act

Terry hat sich in einem offenen Brief an die Abgeordneten des polnischen Parlaments gewandt, welches am morgigen Freitag über den Gender Accordance Act abstimmen wird. Den Brief findet ihr im Original hier.


Brussels, 8 October 2015.

Vote for the Gender Accordance Act

Dear Members of the Polish Parliament,

With this letter I would like to encourage you to vote in favour of the Gender Accordance Act that is going to be voted upon tomorrow.

At present, Poles who feel that the gender listed on their birth certificate is at odds with their identity must sue their parents. In contrast to that, the new legislation would establish transparent and accessible gender recognition procedures. Further recognising the existence of trans persons in Poland and granting them their human rights by legislation would be a breakthrough for Poland’s transgender community.

I firmly believe that all human beings should have the right to live according to their gender identity and gender expression without interference and free from discrimination of any kind.

Therefore, I kindly ask you to vote in favour of the Gender Accordance Act, as a sign of respect for the democratic processes in Poland and for the human rights of trans people.

The Act would be the first law in Poland giving transgender people legal recognition and bringing Polish legislation in line with Council of Europe standards. Please do your bit to make this come true!

Sincerely yours,

Terry Reintke