International Interns' Day: End the Exploitation of Interns!
PRESS RELEASE – Brussels, 10 November 2015
The European Youth Forum together with InternsGoPro and other youth-led organisations organised the first International Interns’ Day taking place today in different countries across four continents. On this occasion, Terry Reintke, spokesperson for social and employment policy and Co-Chair of the Youth Intergroup, stressed:
“We need to end the exploitation of interns as cheap labour! By hesitating to enforce effective measures the EU tolerates the precarious conditions of millions of young people in Europe. We call for quality internships that are paid, based on a signed agreement with fair working conditions and established learning contents. If we do not act now, the social marginalization of young people in Europe will proceed.”
The Youth Organizations claim that 59 percent of interns in Europe are not being paid and 40 percent are working without a contract. Raising awareness for this crucial topic and taking measures in favour of fair and sustainable youth employment is of utmost importance!