30. März 2017

Publication: Countering Antigypsyism in Europe

Although EU institutions and Member States have taken a range of measures to promote the social inclusion of disadvantaged Roma in Europe, there has been no substantial improvement in the situation over the last decade. Many Roma in Europe continue to face poverty, social exclusion, discrimination and violent racism.

Greens have a long story of speaking out against racism and discrimination. Antigypsyism, the specific form of racism and discrimination against Roma, continues to threaten Roma communities throughout Europe. We, a Group of Members of the European Parliament, believe that the fight against the poverty and social exclusion faced by many Roma in Europe is inherently linked to the fight against antigypsyism.

With the publication Countering Antigypsyism in Europe we want to raise awareness of the most critical aspects of discrimination against European Roma, and to contribute to the fight against antigypsyism. This compilation of short essays by Green MEPs, Roma activists and researchers provides analysis of the EU policies targeting Roma communities, and offers “snapshots” of the antigypsyism faced by Roma in a number of European countries (Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary and Sweden).