Sexuelle Belästigung im Parlament entschieden bekämpfen
In einem Brief an den Präsidenten des Europäischen Parlamentes, Antonio Tajani, fordert Terry Reintke zusammen mit MEPs anderer Fraktionen die Umsetzung der Resolution zur Bekämpfung und Vorbeugung sexueller Belästigung im Parlament. Hier der Brief im Wortlaut:
Concerns: Updated Roadmap to deal with conflict and harassment between Members and Staff
Honourable President Tajani,
Dear Ms Morin-Chartier,
first of all we would like to extend a warm thanks for your work over the past month on addressing the issue of sexual harassment in the European Parliament. Thank you very much for sending us the „Updated Roadmap for the Adaptation of preventive and early support measures to deal with conflict and harassment between Members and APAs, Trainees or other staff“ on the 28th of March 2018. We were very happy to see the improvements it proposes. This is why we want to use the opportunity to get back to you on the content of the Roadmap.
The EP resolution, which we adopted with a very wide majority on the 26th of October 2017, included very concrete calls for action in relation to preventing and addressing any form of harassment in the European Parliament. Three points are of special importance, which are not yet mirrored in the roadmap.
First, the resolution calls to set up a task force of independent experts (Para. 17) to be convened with a mandate to examine the situation of sexual harassment and abuse in Parliament as a whole, with the aim of proposing adequate changes in the way we deal with this in our house. It includes assessing the work of both Advisory committees of course, but with a view to strengthen and reinforce its work. 2
Second, the resolution states to evaluate and if necessary revise the composition of the competent bodies so as to ensure independence and gender balance (Para. 16). Thus, including experts such as doctors as standing members of the committee and not just as observers. The proposed changes are currently to include one more APA to the relevant body. We would therefore like to highlight the importance of the composition of the committee in order to ensure its most effective and successful work.
Third, the resolution calls for mandatory training for all staff and Members (Para. 18). In the adopted roadmap a mandatory training is only proposed for staff, APAs and trainees. In order to fully include and respect the content of the resolution, we would thus like to emphasize the importance of also implementing a mandatory training for Members of this House.
We thank you for your attention and consideration. You can count on our support in view of a swift implementation of the measures mentioned in the resolution. We would be thankful if you could keep us updated on the developments and please do not hesitate to contact us if you would need any support regarding your important mission.
Kind regards,
Malin Björk, GUE/NGL
Angelika Mlinar, ALDE
Terry Reintke, The Greens/EFA
Edouard Marti, S&D