15. Juli 2016

Veranstaltung: Merging of man and machine - questions of ethics in dealing with emerging technology

Technology has fundamentally altered our lives and will continue to do so. Ethical considerations must remain guiding posts at all times. Undoubtedly, how we approach the regulation of emerging technologies will have wide implications for our definition of human dignity and the equality of individuals. With this and further discussions we would like to develop a position on how society should respond to questions like How will our lives and our society change with the increasing fusion with modern technology? What role have politics and law in this context? Is there a need for regulation and if so, how? How can human rights be addressed?

This debate is organised by the Green Working Group Robotics – Jan Philipp Albrecht, Max Andersson, Julia Reda, Michel Reimon and Terry Reintke.

8 September 2016


The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament has the pleasure of inviting you to a debate on

Merging of man and machine:

questions of ethics in dealing with emerging technology



  • Enno Park
    Chairman of Cyborgs e.V.
  • Dana Lewis
    Built an artificial pancreas (#DIYPS). Founder, #OpenAPS Thinker, doer, teacher of health & digital things
  • Yvonne Hofstetter
    Author & director of Teramark Technologies GmbH
  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Bendel
    Author “Die Moral in der Maschine: Beiträge zu Roboter- und Maschinenethik”
  • Constanze Kurz
    Author & Spokesperson Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC)
  • Juho Heikkilä
    Head of Unit, Robotics, DG Connect, European Commission
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf
    Chairman of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Justice, Legal Theory, Information and Computer Science Law, University of Würzburg

Find out more about the program and the speakers under http://gruenlink.de/17dd


Translation will be provided in English, French and German.

The conference will be web streamed.


+++ To register please send the following information to jan.albrecht@europarl.europa.eu:

Full name, date of birth, nationality,  N° and type of identity document. Deadline for registration is Wednesday, 31 August 4pm. +++


Merging of man and machine questions of ethics in dealing with emerging technology - poster