5. Mai 2016

Yom Hashoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day

Mit folgendem Statement möchte Terry an Yom Hashoah erinnern, den Holocaust-Gedenktag im jüdischen Kalender:

As a member of the European Parliament I was given the opportunity to shape a project that secured peace and prosperity for the continent. When the European Parliament officially incorporated the International Holocaust Remembrance day in In 2013 into their calendar, it acknowledged that we shall never take this for granted.

On this day, Yom Hashoa, I would particularly like to highlight the voice of the generation to come who bear an immense responsibility for the future. A responsibility to ensure that memory, empathy and factual understanding do not drift into the abyss with the last standing survivors but continue in the very infrastructure of our ‘being’

In a recent statement, Benjamin Fischer, President of the European Union of Jewish Students stated “the Holocaust, indisputably revealed to the world how a tensed bipolar society can drift into human failure. It is not pure knowledge, but moral values that are the essence of what “never again” means, we must remember that it was a nation of “thinkers and poets” that were capable of these horrific acts. Therefore, we share a common responsibility of upholding and fostering those values, that were created as a lesson of what happened then.”

On this day I echo these thoughts and call upon us all to remember but most of all, I call for the next generation to stand united, to stand strong and to stand-up and protect our rights to be free from any kind of persecution.