European Parliament calls on Commission to sustain its LGBTI strategy
PRESS RELEASE – Brussels, 21. February 2019
In a resolution adopted on 14 February 2019, the European Parliament calls on the Commission to secure the future of its List of Actions, a strategy document on LGBTI rights presented in 2015.
Following the recommendations of the 2014 Lunacek report, the European Commission presented its List of Actions to advance LGBTI equality in 2015. The strategic document, layout out an activity plan for the Commission in the field of LGBTI rights, is due to expire in 2019.
“The LGBTI List of Actions has been a key text for the EU’s work on LGBTI rights. Even though it did not meet all the requests laid out in the Lunacek report, it still has provided a solid ground for the Commission to enhance LGBTI equality through its activities.” said Daniele Viotti, co-chair of the LGBTI Intergroup and shadow rapporteur for the resolution (S&D).
“This important work cannot stop in 2019. We could not end this mandate without ensuring the future of the LGBTI List of Actions for 2019-2024.”
With this new resolution on the future of the LGBTI List of Actions, the EP addresses a series of requests to the Commission. It calls on the EC to :
– commit to tackle the gender equality backlash targeting LGBTI people
– prioritise LGBTI rights in its work in 2019-2024 and adopt a new LGBTI strategy document
– continue awareness-raising to foster acceptance of LGBTI people
– take concrete measures to secure freedom of movement for Rainbow Families (& follow-up the implementation of the Coman case)
– ensure Member adopt legislation protecting LGBTI children
– assess whether the sterilisation requirement for legal gender recognition is in line with the Charter of fundamental rights of the EU
– mainstream an intersectional perspective in its work
Two plenary amendments were tabled for this resolution. The first one by GUE/NGL- and adopted by the EP – asks the Commission to support Member States in developing sexual & relationship education that is inclusive of LGBTI people.
The second plenary amendment, tabled by ENF and rejected by the EP, took the view that rising homophobia in Europe (and especially in France) is due to massive immigration and « islamism ».
Terry Reintke MEP, co-chair of the LGBTI Intergroup and shadow rapporteur for the resolution (Greens/EFA) : “By rejecting this amendment, the European Parliament takes a clear stand: There is no place for racism and islamophobia in the fight for LGBTI rights. In times of increasing attacks on LGBTI rights, women’s rights and migrants rights, we must stay united.”
“We look forward to see the European Commission address the current backlash against gender equality – which impacts LGBTI people directly – in its current and future work. The resolution adopted with a strong majority is a clear mandate for the Commission to present a full-fledged strategy on LGBTI right with an intersectional perspective.”